I remember in my early days at my first job, one of my seniors told me "if some one tells you do your job and avoid office politics, it's the dumbest of dumb things on earth. You have to either play the game or be a victim of it". I tried exploring many things since then to figure out, what this is about. Guys!! It's very easy to tell your friend "Huh!! it's hell lot of politics, i don't have time for all these and i am not getting anything because i don't know politics". It's even more simpler to move out to another job saying "I hate my job!" What's difficult is to change yourself!!
There you need to pay a little more liberty to yourself and focus. There are three things you need to be focusing on:
- You are the Architect of your own Life: Identify your own strengths and a comparative analysis what you have and other don't or vice verse (preferably the other players)
- Knowledge is power -Prepare your own charter - this should have information about the bigger picture - of the vision of organisation, your part of contribution in it, others part of contribution, common areas, grey areas. Most of the times we are so busy in our day to day work that we don't pay attention to this world of opportunity, create your own charter and trust yourself to grow further.
- Be True to yourself & Execute The Plan: Never try to justify yourself to others when you certainly know you are correct. Look when you are correct - confidence show up, build the sparkle of energy with your knowledge in you. Politicize when required, not for yourself to grow, but to create opportunities and trust on the right channel.
Most often, it's a group of people who want to rule but who are finding it hard to survive because of their incompatibility. They would often complain you are not being nice to them, you don't interact. Essentially you can think about anything that they lack, but they would put them on you. Hence, take a pause, identify these people, be confident about yourself, and play it nicely and stop just being nice.
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